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Sharon Mischio

Littl Parenting Expert

"Hi - I’m Sharon Mischio, a parent coach, former public school teacher, and mom of two grown kids. I have had three decades of experience working with parents and children, and helping parents understand child development and the hows and whys of their behavior. I know from my own experience that parenting is incredibly rewarding, challenging, and humbling all at once. We get no official training for the job, and juggling caregiving along with professional ambitions can feel completely overwhelming. Add in the ridiculous amount of written and social media information out there on “how to do it right” and you might feel like giving up. Parent coaching bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be as a parent. It’s a collaborative process, where you can learn, grow and create lasting change for you and your family. Every family is unique, which is why there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all parenting advice.

When working with me you can expect a non-judgmental listening ear, and lots of humor. I will work alongside you to help you understand your family dynamic, your parenting style and the whys behind your child/children’s behavior. We will leverage your strengths so you can support your kids and find more joy and less overwhelm and guilt in parenting. And, as a seasoned mom, teacher, former nanny of MDs, and PCI Certified Parent Coach, I can also offer resources and strategies that will help you manage your current reality. Together we can address and work through just about any issue you may be having as a parent.

I’d love to help you find and trust your voice as a parent. I feel extremely lucky to be able to do this work, and to see the positive changes in parents and families, my own family included. I would be honored to walk alongside you so you can discover your best life as a person and as a parent."

Areas of Expertise

Tantrums/Meltdowns, Problem Behaviors, Sibling Rivalry, Screen time, Parental stress, Parenting teamwork, Breaking Generational Patterns, ADD/ADHD, OCD, Divorce/Blended Families, Becoming a Guardian, Parenting-Work Balance, Family Structure and Routine, Learning concerns, Single/solo parenting, Twins/multiples, Gender creative children/LGBTQ+


PCI Certified Parent Coach ®

Teaching with Love and Logic TM

BS Elementary Education, Health Minor

University of Wisconsin-Madison
